Farmer Hailed a Hero for Rescuing Baby Lambs From Drainage Ditch


There is nothing that a mother wouldn't do to protect her babies, and the same is true for human moms and their animals. The Weather Channel shared a video on Tuesday, April 9th showing a farmer rescuing two baby lambs that were trapped in a drainage ditch, and her smile will make you smile!

The video starts with us looking at a pair of rubber boots, clearly attached to someone who is almost all the way inside a drainage ditch. When the woman starts backing out, it's unclear what she has...turn your sound on because you'll hear before you see what the woman was after!

The adorable little lambs sounding like they were crying - they must have been so scared! And mom doesn't look to happy when she sees her babies coming back home after their adventure! The Weather Channel commenters got a kick out of the clip. @Caligirltonc72 said, "Wow amazing rescue! That mama was like “Where have you been?” I think they’re grounded lol!" and @Queen of August added, "The way the mom showed up like WHAT DID YOU TWO DO NOW?! LOL!" Many people thanked the woman for saving the lambs. @Maynard also suggested, "Glad they’re ok. I think a screen over that drainpipe may help with that issue."

Related: Tiny Lamb Who 'Wants to Be a House Cat' Is Impossible to Resist

Little Lamb Facts

These two little lambs (who will grow up to be sheep) are so adorable, and I could listen to them 'talk' all day! Lambs are very vocal, and communicate their emotions through vocalizations and sounds. They also show emotions through facial wonder I thought that they seemed scared!

Lambs love to explore and play, and exhibit natural problem solving skills, though they couldn't figure out how to get out of the drainage pipe their were caught in. They have a natural curiosity and develop cognitive and physical skills through exploring their environment. All of this explains how they got into the pipe in the first place.

Lambs love people and can recognize their faces. They are naturally gentle creatures and never aggressive. They get along well with other animals, pets, and children of all ages.

If a lamb sounds like a perfect pet, they definitely could be! But as with all pets, there are pros and cons that come with them. First off, lambs don't stay little forever. They grow into large sheep. Males have large horns and can become aggressive as they age. Lambs poop and pee wherever they want, making house-training them almost impossible. Lambs and sheep require a lot of space, so keeping one indoors all the time isn't ideal. They also are jumpers, and the older they get the higher they jump.

If you live on a farm and have lots of animals in the barn, a lamb or sheep would make a great addition! However trying to keep a lamb as a traditional pet inside probably wouldn't make you - or the lamb - happy in the long run.

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