The Traitors star Mollie turns down Harry’s holiday offer after betrayal

Watch The Traitors star Mollie turns down Harry’s holiday offer after betrayal

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The Traitors star Mollie Pearce has refused Harry’s offer to pay for a holiday after he stole the £95,000.

Crying Mollie stormed off in tears when she found out her friend Harry was really a traitor for the whole time they were on the reality series. It was the ultimate betrayal that has got everyone talking but the majority of viewers praised Harry for his astonishing game face.

Proving there is no bad blood, finalist Mollie and winner Harry joined the Loose Women panel to discuss how the finale played out. The winner made a generous offer to take his friend on holiday after betraying her and pocketing the £95,000 for himself.

The Traitors star Mollie refuses Harry's offer of a holiday. (ITV screengrab)
The Traitors star Mollie refuses Harry's offer of a holiday. (ITV screengrab) (ITV screengrab)

What, how and why?

Mollie pointed out there had been a lot of talk about how Harry should spend some of the money on her. Graciously, she brought up the offer but she said that it was “not how it works” and that the winnings were solely Harry’s.

She told the viewers: “No we have to remember Harry won the game! That's the end of it. All this stuff about how he's taking me on holiday and sharing the money with me, that's not how it works. It’s his money. He worked very hard in there to get it.”

Mollie was shocked to find out her friend Harry was a traitor. (Studio Lambert)
Mollie was shocked to find out her friend Harry was a traitor. (Studio Lambert) (BBC/Studio Lambert/Mark Mainz)

Harry had just admitted that he was “too scared” to spend the £95,000 sitting in his bank account. Instead, the winning traitor said he had been asking for the advice of his family - especially his dad - when it comes to investing the money.

He said: “I've got the money. I’m too scared to spend it to be honest. If it was up to me I would put it on the rent. I've luckily got my dad, he's got his head screwed on... I let my dad and my family have it. Well, not have it obviously! Don't tell them that, but help me.”

Previously on BBC Breakfast after the final aired, Mollie and Harry were reunited - proving they were just as good friends as they were on the show. Mollie had revealed Harry had made her the generous offer of paying for a holiday.

She said at the time: "He promised me a holiday, and I'm pretty happy with that. It was a game and at the end of the day, we all sign up for it. You go in with the chance of getting hurt, so it's all good vibes here."

What else happened on Loose Women?

Harry won the £95,150 on The Traitors. (Studio Lambert)
Harry won the £95,150 on The Traitors. (Studio Lambert)

When Harry and Mollie first arrived at Loose Women, the panel prompted the winner on whether he had anything to say to his friend. Harry said to Mollie: “I’m really sorry. I feel like I’m in trouble right now!”

The friends discussed the nail-biting moment that saw Mollie change the name on her board from Harry to Jaz in the final banishment. “I did write Harry’s name fully,” she explained. “I had it on my board for a couple of minutes. I thought they were both faithful. We became really good friends. I voted for Jaz two roundtables before.”

Mollie explained how she was oblivious to anyone ever suspecting Harry because his name had never been mentioned when she was in the room.

Loose Women panellist Gloria Hunniford cheekily pointed out that Harry had “snuck” the money away. “What did you mouth to her?” She asked.

Harry quipped that he had been “put on the spot”. “It’s funny you say that,” he said. “I knew Mollie was putting my name down because she wouldn’t make any eye contact. I needed her to look at me. She finally looked at me and I said it’s not me.”

When Harry unveiled how he betrayed Mollie, the studio audience booed. Taking it well, the cheeky star quipped: “Shhh!” He did admit that lying had been “draining” for him but he was used to having to tell a few white lies as he has so many brothers and sisters.

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This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
