The Traitors fans 'gutted' as Ross fails to avenge his mum Diane's murder

The Traitors fans 'gutted' as Ross fails to avenge his mum Diane's murder.
The Traitors fans 'gutted' as Ross fails to avenge his mum Diane's murder. (Studio Lambert) (BBC/Studio Lambert/Mark Mainz)

What did you miss?

The Traitors took an unexpected turn when new traitor recruit Ross was banished after being a traitor for just one day and failed to avenge his mum Diane's murder.

Ross agreed to become a Traitor but in secret he plotted to bring down Harry and Andrew from the inside after his mum Diane had a "slow death" in a dramatic episode. Diane had been handed the poisoned chalice by Miles, who was later banished at the roundtable.

Social media was awash with fans disappointed as Ross only lasted one day as a traitor and he was unable to get revenge, with one writing on X: "Ross was recruited by the Traitors so he was going to get the ultimate revenge on Harry for murdering his mum but he only last one day. The Traitors."

What, how and why?

Diane was killed off on The Traitors. (BBC screengrab)
Diane was murdered by the traitors including Harry on The Traitors. (BBC screengrab) (BBC screengrab)

Ross stood up in front of the group and announced he was a Traitor before dropping the huge bombshell about his mother's identity. "I will just leave you with one little Easter egg before I go," Ross said. "I was actually the son of someone in this game... and that person was Diane."

Fellow Traitor Harry revealed his shock in a piece to camera about the real life mother and son after the traitors had chosen to kill off Diane. "Oh my days Rossy Ross," he said. "We obviously killed Diane and made Ross go to his own mum's funeral. This game is mad."

The Traitors' viewers at home went wild for the moment and they declared they were "gutted" that Ross had failed to avenge his mum's murder in the game. Among the comments, one person wrote: "Gutted, I so wanted Ross to get revenge."

Others added: "Didn't see the roundtable going this way!! Gutted for Ross tbh!"

It's the question on everyone's lips: Would you rather be a Traitor or a Faithful if you took part in the BBC show, hosted by Claudia Winkleman? (BBC)
Claudia Winkleman knows who the traitors are. (BBC)

"Gutted Ross didn't drag them down with him like Kieran did with Wilf last season. The Traitors."

"I genuinely thought Ross would win it. Gutted. Suspect Harry wants to kill Zack as Jaz seemed oin his side when he pitched the idea to banish Jasmine then Andrew... but that could ruin their chance to banish Jasmine now. So maybe they've killed Mollie? So many layers! The Traitors."

"So they set up this whole Ross avenging Diane narrative for him to just leave after one episode?! The Traitors."

"Diane watching Ross fumble. The Traitors."

"The revenge we thought Ross was going to get for his mother vs the revenge he actually got."

"There goes our Ross avenging Diane story."

"The producers after making us wait 5 days just for Ross to fail at his plan for revenge. The Traitors."

What else happened on The Traitors?

Harry Clarke has been a traitor for the longest in the game.
Harry Clarke has been a traitor for the longest in the game. (BBC/Studio Lambert/Mark Mainz)

Andrew and Harry met again in secret as the Traitors and discussed who they were going to murder next. The episode ended on a cliffhanger as they decided whether they would murder either Jaz, Zack or Mollie in the game.

Jaz had suspicions of Andrew but they worried that Zack would be able to piece together the evidence and realise they were the Traitors. The Traitors questioned whether they should get rid of Mollie but Harry also argued that he could "persuade" her because they have a close bond. Who is next?

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This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
