This Morning viewers panic as show goes off air

Watch This Morning apologise to concerned viewers for going off air

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This Morning went off air sparking lots of messages from concerned viewers on social media platform X.

However, it wasn't long before This Morning was back on air. During the time they were off air This Morning shared archive footage including a segment with Josie Gibson and another with Julia Bradbury.

Once they were back on, presenter Alison Hammond apologised to This Morning viewers saying they were off air because of technical problems as she cheekily blamed the "technical gremlins".

What, how and why?

Alison Hammond apologises for This Morning going off air. (ITV screengrab)
Alison Hammond apologises for This Morning going off air. (ITV screengrab) (ITV screengrab)

Hammond gave viewers a warm welcome back to the live daytime TV show on ITV, saying: "Welcome back to This Morning. We do apologise, we're having a few gremlins in the system and we're sorting it aren't we?"

Her co-host Dermot O'Leary joked Gyles Brandreth had caused the technical problems so he could have a little rest from live TV.

He said: "Absolutely we got three lovely films to watch... It's almost like Gyles went backstage and fiddled with a couple of buttons to have a nice little lie down..."

Gogglebox star Brandreth humorously said his wife wouldn't have even noticed because he said she turns down the sound when he is on. His joke got them all giggling, especially O'Leary who jested: "She was probably loving it!"

Hammond cheekily joked: "Now she's turning the TV back down."

How did This Morning viewers react?

Gogglebox star Charles Brandreth humorously said his wife wouldn't have even noticed that he had gone off the TV. (ITV screengrab)
Gogglebox star Gyles Brandreth humorously said his wife wouldn't have even noticed that he had gone off the TV. (ITV screengrab) (ITV screengrab)

Social media was awash with viewers expressing their concerns after the programme was taken off air. "Hopefully you’re back on air soon! Guessing fire evacuation, power issue, health problem? Shame about all the negative comments thou," one person wrote among the comments.

Others added: "So come on what happened then? This Morning."

"Really bizzare to just come off air, must be something big. Dermot didn’t look right before they switched off, you could even hear Alison say “well done” and he replied saying thank you before it cut."

"Why is This Morning suddenly off air?"

"This morning off air. Everyone rushes on to X to find out what's happening. It's just full of you everyone asking the same question."

This Morning kept people updated on social media revealing they were struggling with technical problems. In the first tweet, the account's statement read: "Apologies for the technical issues, we'll be back with you as soon as possible!"

It later added: "And just like that... we're back!" While revealing they were back on air, This Morning's Twitter account shared the moment where Hammond apologised to viewers for going off air.

This Morning had also shared the note on TV: "We are sorry for the disruption to your schedule. We will return to normal programming as soon as we can."

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This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
