Jake Abraham: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels actor dies aged 56

Jake Abraham (left) in Guy Ritchie’s hit 1998 film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels  (Alamy Stock Photo)
Jake Abraham (left) in Guy Ritchie’s hit 1998 film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Alamy Stock Photo)

Actor Jake Abraham – best known for his role in crime comedy Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels – has died at the age of 56 after a battle with prostate cancer.

The Liverpool-born actor starred as Dean in Guy Ritchie’s 1998 feature-length debut, which went on to become a cult classic.

The father-of-two and grandfather was diagnosed with prostate cancer in February.

He told the Liverpool Echo in July he left it “too late” to get tested for the disease, despite having felt unwell for some time.

“I was working but I wasn’t feeling well,” he told the newspaper. “I was pushing through those spells when you don’t feel yourself, you haven’t got the energy and there are aches and pains.”

He eventually visited a doctor in February after passing blood in his urine, and was given a prostate-specific antigen test.

“I got a test and ended up in the Royal [hospital]. He said, ‘You’ve got cancer, I’m so, so sorry’. He said that I’d had it for years, maybe four years.”

Abraham underwent radiotherapy for the cancer, but it spread to other parts of his body including his spine, hips and bladder.

He was receiving palliative care when he spoke to the Echo in July.

“It’s scary,” he told the newspaper. “To be confronted with your own mortality is the most scary thing you’ll ever go through.

“There’s nothing they can do for me – I’ve just got it now and I’ve just got to wait for the day.”

He urged other men to get tested for prostate cancer, adding that the process is not as invasive as many think.

“I know people might be waiting in a line and there’s 18 in the queue, but just stick with the queue,” he said. “They take your blood and they’ll tell you over the phone.

“I was too late – please don’t leave it too late. You could save yourself 10 or 20 years with your children and your family – and that’s the most priceless thing you’ve got.”

He told the Echo he wanted to “make happy memories” and do things from his “bucket list”.

“I want to go to Italy to see the architecture and history in Rome,” he said. “I want to be with my grandkids.

“I never thought that this young, I’d be talking about cancer.

“But what it does do is give you a focus on how important now is, how important each second is and how precious it is. That’s what it’s given me.”

As well as his acclaimed role in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Abraham appeared in films Mean Machine and Formula 51, and in Channel 4 series GBH.

The entertainment industry has responded in heartbreak to news of his death.

Royal Court Liverpool – the theatre where Abraham regularly starred on stage, including in last Christmas’ pantomime shortly before his diagnosis – described him as “one of Liverpool’s best”, adding: “You will be dearly missed by us all.”

On X, formerly known as Twitter, Shameless actor Tina Malone wrote: “I am heartbroken my screen and theatre hubby, my mate of 50 years has passed. Talented, funny, kind, a true Liverpool legend. RIP my darling Jake Abraham.”

Actor David Morrissey wrote: “RIP Jake Abraham. Top bloke and wonderful performer. Gone way too soon.”

Casting director Dan Hubbard described him as “an absolutely lovely soul, always so kind, warm and authentic and a very talented actor”.
