Is it better to be a Traitor or a Faithful? Here's what Yahoo readers think

Yahoo UK's poll of the week lets you vote and indicate your strength of feeling on one of the week's hot topics. After 72 hours the poll closes and, each Friday, we'll publish and analyse the results, giving readers the chance to see how polarising a topic has become and if their view chimes with other Yahoo UK readers.

Paul, Ash, and Harry were the original Traitors in the latest series, but only one of them remains in the final. (BBC)
Paul, Ash, and Harry were the original Traitors in the latest series, but only one of them remains in the final. (BBC) (BBC/Studio Lambert)

The second season of the BBC's reality series The Traitors has gripped the nation with another round of murders, banishments, treachery and deceit, but who will win: The Traitors or the Faithful? Out of the five finalists remaining, two are Traitors with Harry and Andrew poised to take home the final prize if they can evade detection.

Each role has its pros and cons, and requires entirely different skillsets to succeed. Some, like Harry or Paul, were able to operate undetected making friends and allies throughout the castle, which made them brilliant Traitors.

Others, like Zack and Jaz, used their sleuthing skills, powers of deduction and intellect to sniff out lies, misdirects, tactics, bluffs, and strange behaviour to sniff out and eliminate four Traitors making them great Faithfuls.

But which is the more fulfilling role in the show?

Yahoo News UK asked our readers Would you rather be a Traitor or a Faithful on the BBC show?: here are the results:

The Traitors - poll of the week results. (Yahoo)
The Traitors - poll of the week results. (Yahoo)

It received 707 votes and showed 49% of Yahoo readers would rather compete in the show as a Traitor.

Some 43% of voters said they would rather be a faithful, with just 8% saying they were unsure.

49% of readers would rather compete in the show as a Traitor

Yahoo News UK readers were also asked: How much have you been enjoying The Traitors?

The Traitors - poll of the week results. (Yahoo)
The Traitors - poll of the week results. (Yahoo)

This poll received 622 votes with the most common vote being 10/10, indicating many readers were loving the show.

Readers who voted are generally loving The Traitors with an average strength-of-feeling score of 8 out of 10.

Readers who voted are generally loving The Traitors with an average strength-of-feeling score of 8 out of 10

Our original poll article can be found here.

Read more of Yahoo UK's Poll of the Week articles

Read more: The Traitors

Watch: Psychologist reveals what makes a good Traitor

This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
