Doodle Who’s After Mom’s Food Clearly Has a ‘Doctorate in Begging'

CC cine-nomadic/Shutterstock

Does your dog beg when you're eating? Whether it's a snack or a meal if your dog is anything like mine, chances are they're at your feet waiting for you to drop something, or hand them something. Mostly the Doodle is - you guessed it - a Doodle whose mom says has a 'doctorate in begging'...he's mastered his craft! She shared a video at the beginning of May proving what an expert he is at it, and it'll make you laugh!

The video is only 6 seconds long, but it's all you need to see what a pro Mostly is when it comes to looking for handouts. Make sure your sound is on because they song accompanying the video makes it even better!

This could totally be my dog, too! Mostly's fans left nearly 800 comments about the funny clip, and some of them were good ones. @Kourtney O pointed out, "That lip smack in the beginning synced perfectly with the sound!" and @Gwen added, "It's even funnier because it's on beat!" Mostly even had some big-name commenters. @sabrahummusdips admitted, "Me when someone says snacks." @Kiehl's Since 1851 laughed, "He's taking his table tax LOL!"

Related: Corgis Begging for Food Inspired an Awesome Dog-Friendly Charcuterie Board

How to Stop Your Dog From Begging

Begging is such a bad habit, and I wish that I never let it happen in the first place with our puppy! Unfortunately, the kids think it's fun to feed the dog what they're eating, and she's learned that if she barks and demands attention when they are eating that they'll give up the goods.

So how do you get your dog to stop begging? Another Pet Helpful article covers correcting bad behaviors, and you're probably not surprised that begging was one of those behaviors. They offer three simple tricks to try:

  • Feed your dog at the same time that you are going to be sitting down to eat.

  • Remove him from the room that you're eating in by either crating him, putting him outside or in another room.

  • When he begs for food give him a firm command telling him no, and give the sit, down, and stay command.

These are all worth a try! I think the first one will work when I'm eating since I'm not a big snacker, but it won't work with the kids since they're always eating! I think the second option is the best way to go, although it could lead to whining or barking and those are both two behaviors that could become a problem. All that said, I think the best thing to do is just ignore the behavior. If they know that they cannot and will not get your attention, they'll eventually stop the behavior. Or at least I hope so!

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