Dog's Guilty Face After Devouring Entire Container of Eggs Is Comedy Gold

CC Vera Reva/Shutterstock

No matter how much you may love them, dogs are constantly doing things that make you question your sanity. They somehow always find trouble! That includes an Australian Cattle Dog/Great Pyrenees mix who recently surprised his owner in the worst way.

The mom was stunned — and that's not exaggeration — when she opened the back door of her car where her dog had been sitting and was greeted to a mess.

We're sure that Jules' Australian Cattle Dog and Great Pyrenees mix Indy is usually an angel, but every dog has their off-days. In the clip, Jules pulled back the car door to catch Indy standing over an empty carton of eggs.

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"Did you just eat an entire carton of eggs?" she asked him. And judging by the look on his face the answer was a resounding yes. We didn't even know that dogs like eggs!

"The joy of dogs," Jules joked in the caption. It was a certain type of joy that commenters seemed to know very well. "He’s like 'diiiiiid you just leave me alone with an entire carton of eggs?'" one commenter joked. "Those farts are gonna be awful," someone else teased. "Better keep an eye on him. Next thing you know he’ll be dry dosing protein powder and deadlifting more than he can handle at the gym," kidded one person. "Zero regret on that face.......only calculating how to get out of trouble," one person chimed in.

Weird Things That Dogs Eat

It's not like Indy is the first dog to ever eat something strange (any pet owner who's found their dog noshing on something in the trash can attest to this fact). But there are certain things that dogs eat that are weirder than others.

There are actually two different names for when dogs eat really weird things. The first is called Pica — aka, when your dog wants to eat non-nutritive items like sand, grass, dirt, paper, chalk, rocks, socks, plastic, or even toxic items. These are far outside the normal range of a dog's diet and may be the result of a nutritional deficiency.

The second behavior is called Coprophagia — which is when dogs eat feces. Yeah, pretty gross. There is a reason for this behavior. Mother dogs will lick their puppies' bottoms to clean them when they're young. So mother dogs can become accustomed to the smell and taste of feces. Weirdly enough this is sort of why feces can actually become a normal thing for dogs to eat. Yep, your dog actually likes to eat poop.

It really puts eating a dozen eggs into perspective, doesn't it?

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