Dog Dad's Genius Way of Grooming the 'House Horse' Is So Smart

Ioan Panaite/Shutterstock

Springtime is officially here, and if you're spending more time outdoors, you're certainly not alone. Both people and their dogs are taking advantage of the longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures. Those who grew tired of winter's darkness can think of dozens of reasons why spring's arrival is something to celebrate, but dog owners also know of one big reason why it's dreaded.

It's shedding season! Dogs of all shapes and sizes are leaving tufts of hair all over their homes (unless they're a non-shedding breed, that is), and allergy sufferers are noticing. Fortunately, we dog owners would do just about anything for our pups, even if that means finding stray hairs in every nook and cranny. We'll never stop looking for new ways to make coat blowing season a bit easier, and one dog dad finally cracked the code. The genius way he grooms his 'house horse' was the star of a March 18 video, all thanks to his wife, Joanne.

LOL! It cracked me up to see how unbothered everyone appeared in this video. Mac, the Saint Bernard, was leaning into the airflow from the leafblower as if he enjoyed it, and the look on his dad's face was all business. To be fair, that's an understandable mood when picking up an endless amount of fur, but I don't think I could see Mac's fur blowing around without cracking a smile.

Related: Cool De-Shedding Tools to Make Any Home Fur-Free

Commenter @luvmybulldogs wasn't the only one loving the term 'house horse,' either. I think it's absolutely hilarious! This giant dog isn't an actual horse, of course, but his massive size might make him the next best thing for someone who wants to own a horse but doesn't have a stable.

It's important to understand that the Saint Bernard's huge size isn't the only notable characteristic of the breed. If you're considering a dog for your family, you'll need to understand their temperament, too! These dogs are loyal, loving, and great with kids, but they also drool and take up tons of space.

Tools for Dog Shedding

If you're a quick thinker like Mac's dad, you may have tried a number of your own strategies for dealing with shedding season. There are attachments for vacuums, industrial-level blowdryers, and tons of de-shedding brushes for pet parents to try, though what works best for one dog may not work for another. Be prepared for trial and error!

When in doubt, a trip to a groomer can help thin out the thick undercoat that detaches in spring. Even a bath can get the coat-blowing process started, though you may need to bribe your four-legged friend with some dog treats. Not every pup can be as chill as Mac!

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