Dentist Office in NYC That Allows Dogs Sets the Bar Super High

Olena Tselykh/Shutterstock

Having a dog can be so fun and rewarding, but it's not without its challenges. Not only do you need to make sure your furry friend has everything they could ever need and want, but you also have to live your own life, too. Even if most of your life revolves around your dog,  some outings and appointments are simply inevitable.

Like going to the dentist, for example! This routine visit can become a major inconvenience when you're interrupting your dog's daily routines, but trying to balance appointments and around-the-clock puppy care sounds downright impossible. And that's what puppy owner Jackie thought, too... until she texted her dentist.

Much to her surprise, the dentist and office staff offered to let her bring her pup, Jelly, to the clinic! And it was just as adorable as you'd imagine.

Aww! I'm not sure who was more grateful to whom. Jackie was able to get to her appointment thanks to the kind dentist staff, Jelly got tons of love and pampering, and everyone in the office got to snuggle a puppy! It really is a win-win-win situation.

Related: Nashville Dentist Office's 'Therapy French Bull Dog' Is a True Comfort to Patients

Do you know who else wins? All of @jackieandjelly's TikTok viewers! This sweet video of kindness and cuteness has amassed over 1.5 million views already, and everyone is gushing over the dental staff's puppy love. Clearly, they needed this!

"You know the receptionist was like, 'can we please let this patient bring her puppy in?'" commented @kg96l. That's so true! At least, that would have been my response if I were the one behind the front desk. By the looks of this video, though, even the dentist had to stop by and meet the Chihuahua pup! I wouldn't even be surprised if other patients were getting up mid-appointment to sneak a peek.

Dogs in Dental Offices

As several other commenters mentioned, having dogs (and even puppies) in the dentist's office could be a good thing for many reasons. Not only does everyone get a dose of joy in the middle of their workday, which can boost workplace productivity and wellbeing, but dental patients can also have the chance to relax. Besides, emotional support dogs were literally built for this job!

Viewer @tulle1122 shared, "My dentist had two giant Rhodesian Ridgebacks hang out all day with the nervous patients! It was the best." As someone with pretty severe dental anxiety, I can almost guarantee that it would help me, too!

There can be safety and sanitation concerns with having any animal in a medical or dental setting, but if the dog is small, well-trained, and kept away from sharp dental equipment, it can be a wonderful addition to any clinic.

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