Dachshund ‘Sings’ Along to Favorite Chris Stapleton Song Like a True Pro

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Does your dog 'sing' along when you put on music? Our dog isn't much of a fan and doesn't pay attention to it, but our previous dogs sang loud and proud when certain music came on. TikToker Jaaashua shared a video in mid-August of his Dachshund singing along to Chris Stapleton's song titled Tennessee Whiskey, and it's absolutely adorable!

The video starts off with Jaaashua asking Alexa to play the song. As soon as his dog hears the first few notes, she knows exactly what song it is and starts singing along. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear her soulful wailing, um, I mean howling!

I'm not sure if the Dachshund loves the song or hates it, but either way, her reaction to it is too cute! Commenters had a lot to say about Jaaashua's video. @Heather wondered, "Why don't my doggos do anything this cool?" I agree with @JenniferKing603 who said, "It’s the first head tilt for me." @Emily admitted, "I get like this when Tennessee Whiskey plays too!" I laughed when @Heather Goodwin pointed out, "That's her JAM!"

Related: Dachshund Sings Along with the Radio in the Car Just Like a Human

Why Do Dogs Howl at Music?

Not all dogs howl when they hear music or sirens or noises that they're not used to, but many of them do. Dogs howl at things for a variety of reasons; some dogs do it to alert their humans that there's potential danger while other dogs have a protective instinct and howling alerts others to keep away from their humans.

The AKC explains that it's in their genes to howl, "One reason for howling is the modern dog’s connection to their ancestor, the wolf. In the wild, wolves howl to communicate with one another... Your canine companion may not even know why they are howling, but the behavior is deeply buried in their genetic code." They go on to say that dogs can differentiate between pitch and tone and may deliberately join on certain noises, "in at a completely different pitch or note just to individualize their howl."

Psychologist Deborah Wells at Queens University in Belfast researched to see if dogs, like humans, have musical preferences. Dogs didn't really pay any attention to pop music, heavy metal music caused 'canine pandemonium', and the dogs became agitated and barked, but classical music hit the spot. “It is well established that music can influence our moods,” Wells says. “Classical music, for example, can help to reduce levels of stress, whilst grunge music can promote hostility, sadness, tension, and fatigue. It is now believed that dogs may be as discerning as humans when it comes to musical preference.”

Knowing that, I'm guessing that Jaaashua's dog is a fan of Chris Stapleton's song! It was so cute how her howling fit right in with the bluesy tune. I wonder if she's a fan of all of his songs or just this one. Here's hoping Jaaashua shares more of her reactions to different songs soon.

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