Corgi’s Parody of How Dogs Would Bathe Humans Is Way Too Funny

Shutterstock/ Bachkova Natalia

Do you ever wonder what your dog thinks when they know it's time for a bath? Some dogs, like mine, love bath time. Others, not so much. Hammy is a Corgi who is very vocal and 'talks' a lot. He has his own opinions, is very stubborn, and cracks millions (he's got nearly 7 million followers) of us up each day. His dad Chris shared a video on Wednesday, September 4th of what it would be like if Hammy gave him a bath. The whole thing is a crack up!

It starts with Chris bound and gagged (muzzled) with duct tape. Hammy is dragging him into the bathroom by a rope (if he was a dog, it would be a leash) as Chris pleads for him not to but can't really say anything since he's muzzled. Next Chris is tossed into the shower and the water is turned on. Watch to see what Hammy does next!

I wonder if that's how dogs really feel when we give them baths! I love what Chris said about Hammy in the caption, "He got his revenge"! He most certainly did! I couldn't agree more with some of the commenters and their funny observations. @Alex Hart said, "Hammy's revenge series would be great!" It's a fantastic idea! @Christy McClure Greene laughed, "This is so dramatic for no reason and I’m here for it!" @Bri got more than a thousand likes when she pointed out, "Sir, you were just water boarded by a loaf of bread. LOL!"

Related: Corgi Dad’s Parody of Bathing a ‘Dramatic’ Dog Is So Funny and Spot-on

Success Tips for Bathing Your Pooch

Like Hammy, many dogs are not fans of bath time. Why? Well, some dogs don't like baths because they are afraid of water. Hammy's dad shared a parody once of what it was like to bathe the overly dramatic Corgi and it's one of my favorites.

So how do you make it less stressful for everybody involved? If you can afford it, let someone else bathe and groom them for you! But that can get expensive, especially if you have a dog that requires frequent baths.

If your pup likes to follow you everywhere, skip the bath and try putting them in the shower with you. We had a West Highland Terrier who would come running when she heard the shower turn on, hoping she could get in, too!

Make bath time a relaxing, enjoyable experience. Before the bath, try wearing your dog out. Take them for a walk, play some fetch, or do a physical exercise that they enjoy doing. They'll be less likely to fight the bath if they really are tired.

Set the mood by putting on some calming music and talking softly but with an excited tone to your voice. After bathing, have a fluffy, warm towel waiting to fold them in to after the bath, and make sure to get excess water out of your pup's ears. Then, when they're all toasty warm and relax, try some basic grooming like brushing their teeth, nail clipping, and ear cleaning. If you're lucky they'll be too relaxed and tired to fight it!

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