More than four in 10 motorists have driving-related New Year’s resolutions

More than 40 per cent of motorists have made driving-related resolutions for the start of 2020, according to new research.

In a survey of more than 17,000 AA members, the top resolution for 2020 was to ditch the car for shorter journeys, with 26 per cent saying they plan to walk more instead.

There was an age split, though, with walking more the most popular for those aged 35-44 (27 per cent) and 55-64 (28 per cent), while those in the 18-24 age were most keen to drive more economically (28 per cent).

Edmund King, AA president, said: “We’re in the middle of a green revolution and it’s no surprise that drivers want to take steps to reduce their environmental impact.

“Walking to the shops or school and getting on your bike can also bring huge benefits to your health and wellbeing as well as helping to save money at a time when many are feeling the pinch.

“However, many people will still depend on the car for longer journeys so to really make a difference we need better incentives and a wider choice of affordable, available electric vehicles so that drivers have a genuine alternative to traditionally fuelled vehicles.”

For those motorists with driving-related new year’s resolutions, the overall top three were trying to walk more (26 per cent), trying to drive more economically (20 per cent) and trying to drive less often (15 per cent).
