The hits and misses: New models II


The Paris Motor Show is now history and all the secrets have been revealed.
The losers among the new series presentations:


1. Seat Exeo
With the best wish in the world, a few more bits bolted on do not make a new car. And as you can see, the true age of the Exeo cannot be concealed. There is not a trace of 'automotive emotion' left. Only the reasonable basic price of 22,000 euros will ensure any sales of this piece of scrap metal. Clearly a flop!

2. Ferrari California
Does a traditional marque like Ferrari really find it necessary to follow a fashion fad like a folding steel roof? I would have expected more style and awareness of tradition. You have to pay for this mainstream extravagance with a thick and over-proportional rear end that also happens to be far from discreetly concealed.


3. Audi S4 / RS6
Over-powered pseudo sporty saloons were maybe cool in the Nineties. A rethink is made and an S4 or RS6 facelift are not the right signs to be making in the 21st century, because the rethink must start with the customer. Audi simply provides the suitable product for existing demand.
