Breathtaking viewers call for Joanne Froggatt Bafta after harrowing finale

Breathtaking (ITV)
Breathtaking's finale was a tough watch for many. (ITV) (Nick Wall)

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Breathtaking has aired its devastating finale and while viewers found it a tough watch, many of them are calling for Joanne Froggatt to win a Bafta for her leading role.

Downton Abbey star Froggatt played a hospital doctor battling to treat the overwhelming numbers of Covid patients during the height of the pandemic and the final episode also saw her struggling against Covid deniers.

Fans of the ITV drama - based on the real-life testimony of Dr Rachel Clarke - praised Froggatt's emotional performance, despite her spending many of her scenes mostly hidden by a face mask.

What, how, and why?

Viewers called for a Bafta for Joanne Froggatt. (ITV)
Viewers called for a Bafta for Joanne Froggatt. (ITV)

Joanne Froggatt has been praised for her leading role in tough ITV drama Breathtaking, with viewers calling for her to win a Bafta for her performance as a doctor during the Covid pandemic.

Froggatt showed the overwhelming pressures faced by hospitals and medical staff as they tried to treat huge numbers of Covid patients, and the effects that government policies on lockdowns had on the spread of the virus.

Although Froggatt's character was in PPE for most of her scenes, obscuring her face during emotional moments, she still managed to show the intensity needed and left fans in awe of her achievement. One fan commented on X: "#joannefroggatt must get @BAFTA for her excellent acting in #BREATHTAKING #ITVdrama."

Breathtaking (ITV)
Many of Joanne Froggatt's scenes were acted in PPE. (ITV)

Someone else added: "Wow, wow, wow Joanne Froggatt! Absolutely incredible, you are brilliant in #BREATHTAKING thanks for helping to tell the real story xx."

Another viewer agreed: "you have to hand it to @JoFroggatt for the amazing depth and power of her performance, when 90% of the time you're just looking at her eyes behind layers of masks and face shields, pretty much always in close up too. BAFTA that woman immediately."

Someone else wrote: "Joanne Froggatt is amazing truly what an actress..."

Did it wrap things up neatly?

Breathtaking (ITV)
Breathtaking highlighted the trauma for NHS staff. (ITV)

The final episode covered the effect that the easing of lockdown restrictions over Christmas 2020 had on the spread of the virus, as well as the rise in Covid deniers abusing medical staff. Froggatt showed her character beginning to crack under the pressure of having to refuse care to patients with other illnesses, leading her to become a whistleblower.

The series ended with a sobering update on the numbers of NHS staff who had died from Covid, and those who had suffered PTSD from their experiences during the pandemic. One viewer commented: "60,000 of our Beautiful Doctors and Nurses with #PTSD troubles. Well and truly saluted Xx."

Another person agreed: "Dreadful statistic at the end of #BREATHTAKING that 60,000 NHS staff suffering post-traumatic stress after covid. But still you get the naysayers. Remarkable series. Tough to watch, but needed watching."

Praising the drama, one viewer wrote: "Bravo, ITV. First Mr Bates v Post Office, now this. Both magnificent, vital pieces of television, which were also brilliantly written, produced, and acted."

Someone else added: "An absolutely harrowing watch. Thank you to every single NHS worker who put themselves at unimaginable risk to keep us safe in the face of Covid. Heroes."

Breathtaking streams on ITVX.

Read more: Joanne Froggatt

This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
