Australian Shepherd Sweetly Checking on Napping Senior Sister Has People in Tears


Taking care of a senior dog is truly a gift. Yes, it can be sad to watch your lifelong friend start to slow down and lose their strength, but it's also incredibly special to be there for them in their golden years. As your dog ages, you'll find new ways of bonding and helping each other feel happy, but the love between you will never fade.

Just ask Goldie's family! This senior Golden Retriever is as loved as a dog can possibly be, and her age never gets in the way of their special bonding time. Even her Australian Shepherd brother, Aussie, has found new ways to show his love for his big sis.

In a tear-jerking April 7 TikTok video, the pups' family shares how Aussie routinely checks on Goldie during her naps, just to make sure she's still OK. It's quite possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen!

Aww--pass the tissues, please! Aussie is such a considerate little brother to the Golden Retriever, even when he has to wake her up to double-check that she's still breathing. This inquisitive boy makes sure to disturb his sis as little as possible, but the gesture itself is huge.

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Needless to say, TikTok viewers are bawling over this senior dog's loving brother. Maybe it's because owners of old dogs are all too familiar with the nap that lasts a little too long for comfort, but just about everyone can understand where the pup is coming from.

As it turns out, this thoughtful Australian Shepherd isn't the only dog who checks on their older companions. Commenter @slemke85 shared, "My German Shepherd does this with my 15-year-old golden retriever. She even follows him around the backyard to keep an eye on him." That's so sweet! Dogs are such loving creatures, and we couldn't be more lucky to have them.

Caring for Aging Pets

Although watching your beloved dog get older can be heart-wrenching, there are plenty of ways you can make sure they stay healthy, happy, and comfortable in their golden years. Goldie's parents provided a great example with the warm blanket draped over her, though many old dogs also benefit from some extra padding in their beds.

A visit to the veterinarian will let you know whether you need to change anything about your dog's diet or routine. You can expect to switch to senior dog food or adjust your homemade dog food ingredients as your pup ages, but most of these transitions will happen gradually over time.

Speaking from experience, the emotional side of caring for a senior dog can often be the hardest part! Fortunately for Goldie and her family, they have Aussie to help keep spirits high.

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