Dumpster diver mum earns £2K a month by selling discarded products she finds in bins

Dumpster diver mum earns £2K a month by selling discarded products she finds in bins
Dumpster diver mum earns £2K a month by selling discarded products she finds in bins

A self-styled 'dumpster diving mama' has boosted her income by £2,000 a month - and gained 400,000 fans who follow her exploits on social media - after turning her hand to salvaging and selling 'garbage' discarded by major stores.

Tiffany Butler, 31, was a stay-at-home mum when she watched a video of dumpster diving - the term given to retrieving discarded items from commercial bins - in 2017 and was inspired to take it up as a hobby, before turning it into a lucrative career.

See how she does it in the video above.
