Doctor praised for rousing piano performance at end of coronavirus shift

A doctor lifted the mood inside a hospital in Italy when playing a piano rendition of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now at the end of a shift battling coronavirus.

Christian Mongiard works in the high-intensity medicine unit at Circolo di Varese Hospital and volunteered to aid patients suffering from Covid-19.

On Saturday, when heading to buy a sandwich in the northern Italian hospital, he spotted the piano and performed an impromptu song to an isolated waiting room whilst still wearing his protective mask and scrubs.

A video of his recital has been shared hundreds of times on social media as Italy faces the outbreak of the virus.

Un medico a fine turno le suona al Covid sul pianoforte della Bontà

Oggi un medico, a fine turno, si è seduto al pianoforte nella hall dell'Ospedale di Circolo e con grande energia ha suonato il brano "Don't stop me now" dei Queen. Erano settimane che il nostro pianoforte restava muto e ci fa piacere sapere che in queste difficili giornate il silenzio sia stato rotto da una canzone che invita a "non fermarsi". Perchè medici, infermieri e tutto il personale Ospedaliero non si ferma mai e con grande passione e dedizione si sta prendendo cura di tutti noi. Se come noi volete dimostrare la vostra gratitudine a medici e infermieri potete sostenere la raccolta fondi #prenditicuradichiticura con una donazione qui su Facebook o con un bonifico sull'IBAN IT68M0311110801000000004697. #dontstopmenow #asstsettelaghinonsiferma

Posted by Fondazione Il Circolo della Bontà Onlus on Saturday, March 28, 2020

“This excellent doctor could not have chosen a better song,” said Dr Gianni Bonelli, the general manager of the hospital.

“It may seem like nothing, but it is everything. It is the spirit you need, the tension that is released, the encouragement you need.

“It is a gesture that expresses all the passion that animates it and that is shared by our operators: they are doing extraordinary things for the sole purpose of saving lives and returning patients to their families, often far away.

“Not an emotion, mind you: that passes, it is ephemeral. The passion of ours is a constant vibration that is expressed every day, and in these difficult days more than ever!”
