Uber to start banning passengers with low ratings

Users of Uber with a consistently poor rating could be barred from the service, the firm has revealed.

Drivers for the ride-hailing app can ‘rate’ passengers using a five-star scoring system, with low scores often awarded to users deemed impolite or aggressive. Uber says ‘riders’ who often receive such warnings will now be warned on numerous occasions and be given advice on how to improve their score, with a ban from the service a worst-case-scenario option.

Kate Parker, head of safety brand and initiatives at Uber, wrote in a blog post: “Respect is a two-way street, and so is accountability. Drivers have long been expected to meet a minimum rating threshold which can vary city to city. While we expect only a small number of riders to ultimately be impacted by ratings-based deactivations, it’s the right thing to do.”

The move will be rolled out in the US and Canada alongside a new campaign promoting its refreshed community guidelines, which aim to put safety and respect at the forefront of the Uber experience.

A UK rollout has yet to be confirmed for the potential bans, but it’s likely these stricter guidelines will be introduced in the near future.
