This is the correct way to address Queen Elizabeth if you ever meet her

Let's just say you are invited to have tea with the Queen. Gosh! What do you wear? But most importantly how do you greet her?

Your highness? Your majesty? Mrs Windsor?!

There are no obligatory codes of behaviour when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family, but many people wish to observe the traditional forms.

Upon presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is 'Your Majesty' and subsequently 'Ma'am,' pronounced with a short 'a,' as in 'jam'.

For women, it is customary to do a small curtsy while men often perform a neck bow (from the head only).

For male members of the Royal Family the same rules apply, with the title used in the first instance being 'Your Royal Highness' and subsequently 'Ma'am' or 'Sir'.
