The world’s oldest Malayan tapir celebrates 41st birthday at Kent wildlife park

The world’s oldest Malayan tapir has celebrated his 41st birthday at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park in Kent with an assortment of treats.

The tapir, named Kingut, was born in 1978 at Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta, Indonesia, and transferred to the zoo in Kent in 2008.

Kingut celebrated the occasion with keeper Alice Elliot and a birthday cake made of his favourite treats, including carrots, apples and bananas.

Malayan tapirs are the largest of the five species of tapir, as well as the only species of tapir found in Asia.

The species is currently classed as endangered with less than 2,000 mature individuals left in the wild. One of the main reasons for the species’ decline is due to its natural habitat being converted into palm oil plantations.

The species has an average life expectancy of around 30 years, both in the wild and in captivity.
