Simple test ‘could reduce hospital admissions’


A quick and easy test for viral infections could reduce unnecessary antibiotic use and hospital admissions, researchers claim.

They said the test, which takes just 50 minutes to obtain results, could save hospitals about £2,000 for each patient not admitted to hospital and would help to relieve winter pressures on available beds.

Their findings, which are being presented to the European Respiratory Society International Congress in Paris, could also help to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance by reducing the amount of antibiotics prescribed.

The procedure, known as point of care respiratory viral testing (POCT), has been trialled at Watford General Hospital in Hertfordshire since January.

It is quick and simple to perform, by inserting a swab into the patient’s nostril to collect a sample of secretions from the back of the nose.

The sample is prepared and inserted into a compact machine called a FilmArray, which analyses the sample and then generates a printout.

Dr Kay Roy, consultant physician in respiratory and general internal medicine at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Watford, told the congress: “Initial results on the first 1,075 patients, show the potential of this service.

“We were able to identify 121 patients who had viral infections, lacked any evidence of bacterial infection, had a normal chest X-ray and only modest indicators of inflammation.

“Of these, hospital admission was subsequently avoided in 25% and unnecessary antibiotics were avoided in 50%.

“None of the 30 patients who avoided hospital admission and who were not prescribed antibiotics experienced adverse clinical outcomes, which is reassuring.”

She said the whole process from obtaining a sample from the patient’s nose to getting a result should take less than 50 minutes.

“This is the same test and technology as used in our microbiology laboratory, but we have brought the equipment to the patient’s bedside,” Dr Roy added.

“Results from samples sent to the microbiology lab can take more than two days.”

She said that earlier bedside testing in A&E improves infection control, reducing the risk of spreading infection to vulnerable groups.

The cost of POCT is offset by avoiding the cost of lab testing and the cost of admitting patients to hospital beds.

“The findings clearly point towards a net cost saving,” Dr Roy added.

“Each respiratory admission can cost around £2,000. We could make a significant saving for national health services by avoiding unnecessary admissions in patients who may have otherwise been admitted and given antibiotics while waiting up to two days for results from the lab.

“Patients in whom antibiotics were avoided also contribute to cost savings, as do the beds and wards which remain open.”

President-elect of the ERS, Professor Tobias Welte, who was not involved in the research, said the test could prove very useful.

He said: “As European populations age, there is increasing pressure on the availability of hospital beds.

“Having to close a ward because a patient has been admitted with a viral infection that could spread to other patients and is not treatable with antibiotics places even more pressure on hospitals, as well as being expensive.

“The innovative approach described in this presentation could make a significant difference not only to hospitals but also to patients, whose quality of life will be much improved by avoiding unnecessary antibiotic use and admittance to hospital.

“However, this test will have to be compared to guidelines and recommended best clinical practice to confirm its usefulness.”
