Fraud increasingly affecting males in their 20s


People being targeted by fraudsters are increasingly likely to be male and aged in their 20s, according to analysis.

People aged between 20 and 29 years old have faced a 5.7% rise in detected fraud since 2014, credit checking company Experian found.

There has also been a 1.6% rise in frauds since 2014 where the target is male.

Fraud victims are also particularly likely to live in London, with 28% of frauds in the UK targeted against London residents, according to Experian, which operates fraud prevention system National Hunter on behalf of its members.

National Hunter enables financial institutions to cross-match applications against more than 100 million previous application records to spot signs of fraud.

Nick Mothershaw, director of fraud and identity solutions at Experian, said: "Our statistics show young people are increasingly falling into the crosshairs of fraudsters, who see them as an easier target to open an account.

"They are more interested in getting an account open so they can use it for money laundering, or to establish a footprint at the bank for further fraudulent activity."

He said young people are more likely to live their lives online, so they may not be monitoring their post so often for statements.

Mr Mothershaw continued: "They often live in accommodation with shared mail areas, which provides an opportunity for fraudsters to intercept their post.

"Fraud can happen to anyone and it's important not to get complacent. If you do use online statements then make time to check them each month, and keep an eye on your credit report for unexpected applications."

Here are tips from Experian to protect against fraud:

- Try to have unique passwords for each online account. Always use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols, and change them regularly.

- Be conscious of the information you share when using shared Wi-Fi networks and the personal information you share on your social profiles.

- Information stored on devices could be a goldmine for fraudsters if the device is lost or stolen. People should always lock their mobile device, whether it is with a passcode or a gesture, to prevent access to such information.
