UK professor may have found King Arthur's Camelot Castle
Of the many legendary myths still around today, the story of King Arthur is arguably the most well known.
But myth may become fact now that a retired UK professor believes he 'may have solved a 1,400-year-old mystery' surrounding the location of King Arthur's castle of Camelot.
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Peter Field, an Arthurian literature expert thinks the remnants lie Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, at a small Roman fort at place called Slack.
Slack was referred to as Camulodunum in Roman times and researchers say that through linguistic processes would have been shortened to Camelot over the years.
Field, who has been researching Slack for the last 18 months would like to take his hypothesis further, and begin to excavate the site of the fort.
Field argues that the site was considered a strategic stronghold for Arthur who protected the north and west coasts against the invading Anglo-Saxons.
Field's idea still has to be peer-reviewed and there is still much research to be done before any definitive conclusion can be made.
But of all the old legends, it's a good bet that the one we are closest to cracking is that of King Arthur and his knights of the round table.