'Heavy tinsel' blamed for Leicester's half-finished Christmas tree

'Heavy tinsel' blamed for Leicester's half-finished Christmas tree
'Heavy tinsel' blamed for Leicester's half-finished Christmas tree

Leicester City Council has blamed 'heavy tinsel' for its city centre Christmas tree being left 'half-finished' - after a backlash on social media from the public.

A number of people took to Twitter to question what had happened to the rather sad-looking tree, with some guessing the decorations had been stolen, and others wondered if workmen had forgotten to finish it.

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Speaking to the BBC, the council explained that the tinsel ordered was "actually really thick" and had bent the tree's branches. So they have now started decorating it again from scratch.

One local shared a picture of the tree before redecoration began, and wrote: "Ah, Leicester's attempt at a Christmas tree :)."

Some people expressed their disappointment ('abysmal' was one word used), suggesting that after the magnificent Leicester City FC victory there should be something more fittingly brilliant in place.

City centre director Sarah Harrison said they might leave off the tinsel altogether now.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, she said: "They've obviously put the tinsel on the top of the tree first and realised the branches were being bent out of place.

"We've got hundreds and hundreds of multicoloured LED tea lights this year which are all new, so we are going to put those on first.

"We are going to put the baubles on, and then we are going to take a view as to whether the tinsel has got a place on the tree or not."
