Rail worker stops man from jumping 35ft to his death at London Bridge

A quick-thinking railway worker stopped a young man from leaping over a 35ft-high bridge to his death in London.

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The brave maintenance staff at London Bridge chased after the man, who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, and grabbed his leg before he jumped over the wall.

In a video posted on YouTube by news website UKNIP, the man is heard saying, "I would rather you guys beat me up and kill me" just before he runs towards the wall.

The video's caption reads: "Selfless act of bravery by railway workers my pal Francis Tuinasakea saving a dillusional (sic) drunk who was trespassing on live open tracks at London Bridge. He then tried to jump over the wall 35ft drop and was over till Francis grabbed him and pulled him back."

According to the Evening Standard, the railway worker Francis Tuinasakea is a Colman Rail Services contractor.

As the workers pin the man down, they can be heard saying "you nearly killed yourself"

The man says there is a car nearby that is infected with a virus that is going to "kill everyone" before the video finishes with him saying: "I am sober, I am 100% sober".
