Adorable seal pup refuses to return to the wild

Adorable Tiny Seal Cub Refuses to Return to the Wild
Adorable Tiny Seal Cub Refuses to Return to the Wild

Meet Kroshik, a tiny seal cub who was about to be released back into the open waters of Russia's massive Lake Ladoga.

Kroshik was found by fishermen near the village of Sviritsa in Russia's Leningrad Region on March 25th and was later placed under the care of vets at the Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Centre.

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Caretakers were quite surprised about Kroshik's size, he was one of the smallest of his kind ever to have been admitted to the centre.

An animal welfare organisation called the Friends of Baltic Seals Foundation then tried to release Kroshik, along with another seal cub named Pasha, back into the wild.

But they were in for a surprise when Kroshik, whose name literally translates to tiny crumb from Russian, touched the water and decided that he would rather stay with his human buddies.

One witness said: "Such a sensation has happened to us for the first time and our graduate decided to stay with us and not go back into the sea."

He added: "We had assumed that this would happen with Kroshik as he was very small and very attached to us. We will prepare him better and for a longer time."
