Kids spend nearly 10 days of summer watching TV
One of the top struggles during the summer holidays can be finding ways to entertain your children and keep them busy.
Keeping children away from the TV for hours of end can be tricky when the weather isn't great outside.
But, did you know that kids are expected to spend an average nine and a half hours in front of the television this summer?
New research from TeamSport Go-Karting shows children are expected to spend an average of 163 hours inside this summer with top hobbies including playing computer games, watching TV and browsing the internet.
While the Olympics in Rio may be tempting some kids, and in fact, adults to spend more time in front of the TV this summer, surely there are more productive ways to spend the summer holidays.
But shockingly 42% of parents estimate their children will spend 10 or more hours a week watching television.
It's not just television programmes that will be tempting kids to their screens, a third of children will be spending around eight hours playing with video games.
When it comes to measuring how active kids will be this summer, while they will spend an average of 13 hours a week outdoors they will spend more than double that inside, at 27 hours.
This means that over the course of the summer kids will spend 163 hours doing activities inside the home while only spending 82 hours participating in team sports or physical activity.