Fifth of single parents missing out on child maintenance

Fifth of single parents missing out on child maintenance
Fifth of single parents missing out on child maintenance

A new study has revealed that as many as a fifth of single parents in the UK are missing out on child maintenance thanks to the 'complicated process'.

The research, conducted by Pay Plan, shows that more than 21% of single parents are not getting the child support they qualify for and nearly 59% of respondents also admitted that they didn't know whether or not they were eligible.

The basic weekly rate that can be claimed from child maintenance is £41 which means these parents could be missing out on as much as £212 a year.

Shockingly only 23.8% of those asked said that they found the current system simple and easy to use, while others said that it was just 'not worth the hassle'.

As many as 71% of those surveyed admitted that they were struggling financially and 73.8% said they had little knowledge of the help on hand.

While nearly 50% of those in the 25 - 34 age bracket said they had family based arrangements, the figure for 45 - 55s was just 26.4%.

How is it calculated?

Child maintenance is calculated by working out income, looking at what affects income, the current rates of child maintenance, other children, weekly amount of maintenance and shared care.

If you're one of those who is totally in the dark about child maintenance, PayPlan have created a hub full of resources in the hopes of making the process easier for single parents.

The government has also created an online 'child maintenance calculator' which lets you see just how much you should be getting.

While it only gives an estimate, it's worth using if you're unsure of how much you are entitled to.

If you're new to child maintenance but want to make sure you get the money you're entitled to then head to the Child Maintenance Service website to find out more about applying.

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