Things all successful people have in common
Even though we all know that money doesn't buy happiness, that doesn't stop a lot of people from wishing for it.
This begs the question, is making money a matter of luck, or has it got something to do with characteristics too? There are some traits that more than a few successful people seem to share.
Henry Ford once said: "Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." Successful people use goals to aim at specific targets.
You don't see successful people just giving up if it doesn't go their way straight away. The Beatles were told they had no future in show business, Steven King was rejected 30 times before he got his first book deal and Steven Spielberg couldn't get into USC film school, yet they all went on to have incredibly successful careers!
Keep learning
Bill Gates is worth $76 billion and yet he still has a summer reading list which is almost entirely non-fiction.
Take risks
Richard Branson has failed at at no less than 14 businesses, losing millions in the process, yet he wrote a book called 'Screw It, Let's Do It'!
Being a good communicator is how billionaire Warren Buffett went from businessman to icon. Effective communication and listening is how you attract employees, partners, investors and customers.