Italian court allows man to pay child support in pizza

Court Rules Man Can Pay Child Support with Pizza
Court Rules Man Can Pay Child Support with Pizza

A man in Italy has been allowed to pay child support in pizza.

Although the court may not have wholly agreed with the man's payment methods, they did acquit him of any charges.

Nicola Toso split from his wife in 2002 when his daughter was just six years old, and agreed to pay €300 (£230) per month in child support.

In 2008 the Italian economy wasn't too healthy, and Toso couldn't afford to pay in cash anymore, but he makes pizza for a living and decided to get creative with his solution.

He started giving his former wife and his daughter €300 worth of take out from his restaurant.

It seemed they were happy with the arrangement, given that his ex didn't make a criminal complaint against him until 2010 when he closed his business. By then he had remarried and had three more children.

Now, in 2016, the case is finally closed and the court has ruled in his favour. They say Toso followed through on all of his custody obligations and only turned to pizza payment as a last resort.

In an interesting twist, Toso ended up getting full custody of his daughter after she had a falling out with her mother - who now owes him 300 euros a month!
