Golden rules of fraud prevention

The Golden Rules of Fraud Prevention
The Golden Rules of Fraud Prevention

There's one thing that pretty much everyone has in common and that is that at one time or another we've all been ripped off.

Whether it's through an advert, email or phone call it seems that around every corner these days there's someone waiting to catch you out.

But if you take note of these simple rules then hopefully you will never get ripped off ever again.

1. Speed kills (your savings)

Don't ever be pressured into making a snap decision. Instead, take your time, review your options and see if there's another, cheaper, way to go.

2. Seek and you shall find

Before dealing with anyone or buying anything, put it in a search engine along with the word 'review'. The internet can be a very powerful tool so make sure you use it to keep yourself covered with as much information as possible at all times.

3. Beware: the freebie

If you're getting something for nothing, you might be the product and not the customer. If you're surrendering your personal information in order to get something for free then your information is probably being sold on to strangers.

4. Use public services

There are plenty of watchdogs out there looking out for scammers and fraudsters and using forums on the internet to ask questions and learn more is always worthwhile.

5. Never answer unsolicited calls or emails

Automated calls and emails you can't unsubscribe from are never a good sign. Hang up the phone and don't even bother opening the emails, you'll save yourself time and money!
