Woman sent to hospital with shark still attached to arm

Woman Rides to the Hospital With a Shark Still Latched On to Her Arm
Woman Rides to the Hospital With a Shark Still Latched On to Her Arm

Talk about not letting go. A shark stayed latched on to this woman after it sunk its teeth into her arm — even after it died.

According to WPTV, this two-foot-long nurse shark bit a 23-year-old woman on Sunday afternoon in Boca Raton, Florida while the woman was snorkeling.

See also: Shark knocks man off paddle board in Florida (watch)

See also: Great white shark feeds on smaller shark caught by fisherman

Lifeguard, Mike Glusac, said: "Might have been startled by someone. She may have just brushed her arm into it and he might have grabbed on."

The National Park Service says nurse sharks tend to be more 'laid back' than other sharks.

Meanwhile a local conservationist told WPTV that nurse shark bites actually happen several times a year.

Jim Abernathy, a shark expert and conservationist said that most nurse shark attacks are provoke.

He said: "Close to 100 percent of the so-called attacks are actually the case where someone is messing with the shark because it's so docile."

Nurse sharks live in shallow, warm waters, according to National Geographic, and typically grow to be 7.5 to 9.5 feet long.

The woman was treated at a local hospital and has since been released. Unfortunately, the shark wasn't so lucky and officials say the animal died before emergency responders arrived on the scene.

