Neighbour's message about stolen parcel bewilders internet

The note from Malcolm.
The note from Malcolm.

The British sense of humour has been confounding internet users after a passive-aggressive letter appeared online.

Reddit user Cubeshack posted the note, saying it had been received by a friend from her neighbour Malcolm.

"Think you might have had a parcel delivery left by your side gate," it read. "Saw some gypsies pinch it. Would have stopped them if you had been nicer neighbours."

The note's now been viewed more than 2.5 million times.

Cubeshack quickly explained that Malcolm was simply winding his friend up.

"Just to clarify that Malcolm isn't a d***, really. They have quite a good relationship, love-love kind of relationship. Malcolm was messing around. There was no parcel by her gate. Although now I am thinking he might be a bit of a d*** after all - got her all excited for nothing," he says.

"Found out that Malcom and his wife are actually quite a funny couple. They are retired and apparently spend their days tormenting my friend for their own pleasure."

This explanation isn't enough for many other Reddit and Imgur users.

"If Malcolm really didn't care, he wouldn't even have put this note up. Malcolm is reaching out; take his hand in the friendship he offers," oozes one.

Another - possibly not serious themselves - suggests that Malcolm's mind must be a 'maze of conflicts'.

"Why add the second sentence, what does he intend to get from it? Is he replaying the scene in his head, convincing himself that, if the neighbors had been nicer, he would have found courage in his heart to confront the gypsy tribe?" asks ThePaleCast. "I'd bet it's so. I'm convinced that this is a letter of expiation."

Another asks, "Are all British people passive aggressive?"

But users who get the joke have come up with a plan to take things a little further: to send Cubeshack's friend an empty box.

"This is a brilliant idea," says Cubeshack. "I will be waiting to see how the situation develops."

We'll just have to hope that none of the 2.5 million people that have now viewed the post tips Cubeshack's friend off in advance...

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