Shut your trap! Cheeky chameleon silences frog

Shut your trap! Cheeky chameleon silences frog
Shut your trap! Cheeky chameleon silences frog

A noisy frog got on a chameleon's nerves so much he walked along a branch and held his mouth to shut him up.

Photographer and Savas Sener spotted that the tree frog got in a spat with a Mediterranean chameleon before the amphibian hushed it up with its hand.

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Dr Sener, 50, said that he was 'surprised and happy' to capture the bust-up on a branch.

Dr Sener, of Mersin, Turkey, took the photos on a university field trip. As well as an amateur photographer, he is a professor in the Environmental Engineering Department of Mersin University.

He said: "The photos remind me of a children's fable in which the chameleon says to his noisy frog friend 'shut up!'"

Shut your trap! Cheeky chameleon silences frog
Shut your trap! Cheeky chameleon silences frog

The frog is a European tree frog, a widespread species native in Turkey, as well as Russia, Iberia, Sweden, and Denmark.

His reptilian foe (latin name Chamaeleo chamaeleon) is the most common of all its species, native in a number of locations from Northern Africa to Southwest Asia and Southern Europe.

The frog won't need to worry about being the chameleon's dinner - the reptiles are primarily insectivores, preying on a variety of insects.

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