Weird giant statues in Windsor commemorate queen's birthday

Ben Bennett tends to artificial leaves which form the hair on a terracotta head sculpture of the Queen
Ben Bennett tends to artificial leaves which form the hair on a terracotta head sculpture of the Queen

Two giant terracotta tributes to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are some of the more unusual creations devoted to the royal couple.

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The 12ft heads of the monarch, who turns 90 on Thursday, and Philip have pride of place outside Ben Bennett's home near Windsor Castle.

Ben Bennett tends to artificial leaves which form the hair on a terracotta head sculpture of the Queen
Ben Bennett tends to artificial leaves which form the hair on a terracotta head sculpture of the Queen

Complete with plastic grass hair, the statues, which sit next to a red telephone box, were discovered by Bennett in a house clearance in Chelsea several years ago and he decided to give them pride of place on the lawn in front of his house in Oakley Green – a short drive from Windsor Castle.

Ben Bennett poses next to terracotta head sculptures in his garden
Ben Bennett poses next to terracotta head sculptures in his garden

The Queen may have even paid a visit to see the large earthenware statues, Bennett believes. "When I first had them, I was in the front room looking out of the window and I saw five or six Range Rovers pull up. I'm sure she came to have a look," he said.

The 83-year-old said: "We've been flooded with visitors coming to see them. When children have their picture taken with them, the funny thing is the children always stand to attention. They've given joy to hundreds and hundreds of people."

Queen opens bandstand close to Windsor Castle
Queen opens bandstand close to Windsor Castle
