Crowdfunding plea for boy whose home has become a prison
Adam Payne is a ten-year-old from Tottenham, who has already had more than his fair share of challenges in life. He was born with a number of medical needs, which means he needs to use a wheelchair and is non-verbal. Now, to make matters even harder, he has developed a back condition, which cannot be operated on until his house has been adapted. His desperate family has turned to crowdfunding, and has been stunned by the response so far.
Adam has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, epilepsy and cortical visual impairment - which means he has always needed a wheelchair. However, at the age of seven he also developed curvature of the spine, and he needs to have a magnetic rod inserted in his back to correct it.
The problem is that he isn't allowed to have the surgery, because his house has been deemed unsuitable to return to after the operation. He would need a specially adapted lift, a height adjustable bath, a hoist, and wheelchair access around the house - which together would cost the family £30,000 to install.
Without this, his medical team says it's not safe to carry out the operation, because there's risk that carrying him around his home could snap the rod in his back.
Without the surgery, his condition has deteriorated. Koli Begum, (Adam's mum) said: "Adam's spine has now reached an angle of over 70 degrees because of the wait for this operation, and he now requires spinal fusion which is an even more evasive and dangerous procedure, all because the house has not been adapted." She adds: "The situation has now become untenable and our family house has increasingly felt like a prison not a home for me and the boys."
In desperation the family set up a GoFundMe page, and so far they have been overwhelmed with the support they have received. Koli says: "The overwhelming support over the last week has given us the boost we needed at this time to remind us that we are not alone and that people do care. I have now finally found the courage to stand up and be counted and take action myself. Being disabled shouldn't prevent a child from living a normal life."
The family has received donations of £12,991, from 124 people. There has been enormous support from people in the area, particularly after the family appeared on BBC 2 documentary, This is Tottenham. Many of them were moved by the family's struggle, and the love and patience which drives Koli to continue to do everything possible for her children.
Unfortunately, they still need more help in order to be able to afford the work they need. However, Koli wrote on the page earlier this month: "We have never given up on Adam and we are not about to anytime soon. Hope is a beautiful thing! "
Kelsea Little, spokesperson for said: "Adam is clearly an courageous little boy who is surrounded by friends and family who love him dearly. We hope that support continues to flow into the family's GoFundMe campaign so that Adam can finally receive the life-changing back surgery he so desperately needs. Our thoughts are with him and the family."