Woman saves starving dog after visit to manicurist (video)

Woman Saves Starving Chained Up Dog From Manicurist's Backyard
Woman Saves Starving Chained Up Dog From Manicurist's Backyard

When a California woman went into a nail salon for a manicure one day, she had no idea that her visit would save a poor dog's life.

As Darlene was getting her nails done, her manicurist was telling her about her son's dog that he was not feeding or providing water for.

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After seeing a picture of the dog, Smokey, Darlene was in shock.

The dog was so thin and neglected, his ribs and hipbones were protruding out from his skin. So Darlene sprang into action and went to go and rescue him.

When she arrived at the house, she could see the severely emaciated dog chained up in the back yard.

Darlene took him home to get him the treatment he desperately needed and, today, Smokey looks nothing like the starving pup Darlene rescued.

He's been adopted by a new family, but Darlene has also had the chance to play with him. And he certainly looks like a healthy, happy dog again.

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