Westminster debate on Donald Trump ban branded 'absurd'

UK Politicians to Debate Trump Ban
UK Politicians to Debate Trump Ban

A debate calling for US presidential hopeful Donald Trump to be banned from entering the UK has been condemned as "absurd" by one of his senior employees in Scotland.

The tycoon, who wants to be the next Republican president, sparked widespread anger after he demanded a block on Muslims entering the US and claimed parts of London were "so radicalised" police were "afraid for their own lives".

More than 570,000 have signed a petition asking the UK Government to bar Mr Trump, arguing there must be action against "hate speech" regardless of a person's wealth or power.

Mr Trump has already threatened to pull planned investments from his Scottish golf resorts - Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeenshire and the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire - if a ban is put in place.

Sarah Malone, executive vice president of Trump International Golf Links, said: "Mr Trump is investing hundreds of millions of pounds into the Scottish economy and its greatest assets.

"Until now, Turnberry has been unable to attract the huge investment required to secure its future and industry chiefs have applauded Trump International Golf Links, Scotland, which has attracted tens of thousands of much-needed overseas visitors to the region.

"Both properties are critical to the golf, leisure and tourism sector in Scotland which we cannot afford to jeopardise.

"Any attempt at a ban of this kind would force Mr Trump to abandon his plans for a further £700 million investment.

"With the collapse of the oil price, the investment in Aberdeen has never been more important and Mr Trump is likely to spend more than he initially planned when the economy recovers."

Ms Malone also said: "It is absurd that valuable parliamentary time is being wasted debating a matter raised as part of the American presidential election.

"For the UK to consider banning someone who made a statement in America, about American boarders during a US election campaign is ridiculous."

Labour's Paul Flynn will lead the debate, which is due to run for three hours in Westminster Hall.

The MP for Newport West said he intends to pay a "heartfelt tribute" to the US as the "home of democracy" and will seek to represent the "anger of petitioners" over Mr Trump's views on Mexicans, Muslims, global warming and guns.

Prime Minister David Cameron has previously spoken against a ban while Cabinet minister Chris Grayling warned giving Mr Trump the "oxygen of publicity" helps rather than hinders him.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is also not in favour of a ban, adding he wanted to take Mr Trump to a mosque.

The Society of Black Lawyers (SBL) has submitted a formal request to the Home Secretary to ban Mr Trump from entering the UK on the grounds of his "unacceptable behaviours".

It believes that officials should use the Immigration Act 1971 to claim that Mr Trump's presence is "not being conducive to the public good" and to stop him from coming to the UK.

David Cameron's official spokeswoman said the Prime Minister's view was unchanged since he told the House of Commons last month that Mr Trump's comments on Muslims were "divisive, stupid and wrong", but that he did not think he should be banned from the country.

Paul Flynn: Banning Trump Would Boost His Support
Paul Flynn: Banning Trump Would Boost His Support
