What is a travel essential? Travel trends from around the globe revealed

Travel trends from around the globe
Travel trends from around the globe

Can you guess which nationality insists on packing a kettle every time they go on holiday

No, it's not the Brits

TripAdvisor'sTripBarometer study, the world's largest accommodation and traveller survey which highlights key travel trends for 2016, has just been revealed, with some intriguing findings.

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More than 45,000 survey responses from travellers the world over have been studied to get hold of this year's results and here are some of the most interesting findings:

1. 61 per cent of Chinese travellers think taking a towel on holiday is an essential item

2. No kettle? No deal! Nearly half of travellers from New Zealand, South Africa and India won't book a hotel room or accommodation if a kettle, tea bags and coffee aren't included.

3. 41 per cent of Russian holidaymakers chose their destination based on whether or not they can get a tan while they're there.

4. A quarter of French travellers are apparently struck by inspiration abroad and won't go away without taking a journal.

5. Australians, Canadians, South Africans, Indian and US visitors are apparently the most hygiene conscious as they top the list of those most likely to consider hand-sanitiser an essential item

6. Almost half of Japanese Milennials have visited a specific place because they have seen it on a TV show.

What do you think your one travel essential would be? Let us know in the comments below!

Futurist Anne Lise Kjaer on Travel Trends and Forecasts
Futurist Anne Lise Kjaer on Travel Trends and Forecasts
