World's most overpriced products

The World's Most Overpriced Products
The World's Most Overpriced Products

When you shop in a boutique, you know you're paying a high price for good quality, but there are also some situations where you're paying way above the mark for a product.

But we don't always need to pay top dollar for the essentials in life.

So here are a few products you could save money on to stop yourself getting ripped off.

World's most overpriced products
World's most overpriced products


The mark-up on bottled water bought in supermarkets can be huge, but there's a very easy way to work around it. Keep a jug of tap water in the fridge for when you're at home and keep a handy, refillable bottle in your bag when you're out and about - this way you're just using your own water with no added costs.

World's most overpriced products
World's most overpriced products


Glasses may be essential for your day-to-day life but the mark up on these can be nearly 1000%. An easy way to keeps costs down is to shop around on the internet or look for your prescription number in cheaper, high street stores.

World's most overpriced products
World's most overpriced products

Drinks in restaurants

These can be marked-up 300 - 600% sometimes. Ditch the soft drinks and order a tap water to keep the bill down.

World's most overpriced products
World's most overpriced products

Text messages

Sending a text can be 100,000 times more expensive than using your data or another messaging platform. So, if you need to text a lot, then make sure you have an unlimited text plan on your phone contract.

World's most overpriced products
World's most overpriced products


Some generic alternatives can be used instead of various types of medication and then benefit is that it'll be a lot cheaper! Make sure you always ask your doctor to tell you about all the options available to you.

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