Can you help me get a refund from Expedia?


Have you been left out of pocket due to poor service or sharp practice? Do you have a money problem that won't go away?

It can seem impossible to get a fair result when you are battling a financial issue alone. But never fear! The AOL Money Fixer is here to help.

Dear Fixer,
When I booked a hotel room on Expedia recently, a time out message appeared just after I had paid.

I assumed the payment had not gone through, so I repeated the process and had my payment accepted.

I got an email confirming that booking. However, when my credit card statement arrived I had been charged twice.

I called Expedia, which said it was my fault for paying twice and that as it was a no cancellation booking I would have to pay for both rooms booked. Can you help?

J Sullivan, Cheltenham

Dear Ms Sullivan,

Expedia has now agreed that the double booking was as a result of an error on its website.

You have therefore been refunded the money for the second booking.

The Fixer

Whatever your financial problem, write to and The AOL Money Fixer will get on the case.

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