Cashpoint fraud: how to spot a dodgy ATM

young attractive businesswoman...
young attractive businesswoman...

Stay one step ahead of the fraudsters with our series of articles giving you the lowdown on the scams they use to trick people out of their hard-earned cash - and how to avoid being taken in by them.

This week, cashpoint fraud that cheats British cardholders out of around £30 million every year.

How does it work?
ATM withdrawals are part of everyday life for most of us. But while the huge majority of transactions go without a hitch, a growing number are hit by ATM fraud.

In many cases, the thieves prepare to scam you by surreptitiously fitting machines with devices designed to either prevent your card coming out or electronically record the data before returning it.

Other tricks include hiding cameras designed to record your PIN above or beside the keyboard and simply hanging around the machine and watching you put in your pin - a practice known as shoulder surfing - before snatching your card.

How can I avoid being caught out?
It can be very difficult to spot an ATM that has been tampered with by fraudsters because the devices they use are very discreet.

However, it's worth walking to a different ATM is you spot anything suspicious.

Other top tips include choosing machines in well-lit area, avoiding making a withdrawal if there are suspicious people nearby and treating anyone who tries to talk to you as you withdraw money with extreme caution.

The police also advise using your hand to shield your PIN from prying eyes and always putting your cash and card away immediately after using an ATM.

I've been defrauded. What should I do?
If your card is retained by a cash machine, it is very likely to be due to a device inserted into the machine by fraudsters.

You should therefore report the malfunction to your card issuer immediately so that it can cancel your card if necessary.

It is also important to report any suspicious or criminal activity you see at an ATM to the police by calling 101.

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