The Fixer: investment question
Have you been left out of pocket due to poor service or sharp practice? Do you have a money problem that won't go away?
It can seem impossible to get a fair result when you are battling a financial issue alone. But never fear! The AOL Money Fixer is here to help.
Dear Fixer,
A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by a company called Professional Investment Consultants, a European investment firm with offices in London, Brussels and Singapore.
The person calling me told me he had been given my details by a financial adviser I used some years ago and that he had a fantastic investment opportunity to discuss with me.
The returns he said he can get for me if I invest at least £10,000 are very impressive, and the company seems to be legitimate.
However, I am a bit nervous about investing with a company I have never used before.
I don't want to miss out on a great opportunity, which I am told will only be available for the next few days. Do you think it is safe to go ahead with the investment?
A Foster, London
Dear Mr Foster,
Under no circumstances should you send any money to this firm.
Professional Investment Consultants does exist and is a perfectly legitimate and European Economic Area (EEA) authorised company.
However, just this week, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has issued a warning about a "clone firm" that has been set up by fraudsters to steal money from innocent investors like you.
"Fraudsters are using the details of firms we authorise to try to convince people that they work for a genuine, authorised firm," it said.
"The EEA authorised firm that fraudsters are claiming to work for has no association with the 'clone firm'."
The fact that you were cold called with this incredible opportunity and are now being pressured into making a decision leaves me in little doubt that the "clone firm", rather than the actual investment company, is behind the offer.
You should therefore ignore any further calls and report the attempted fraud to the FCA by calling 0800 111 6768.
The Fixer
Whatever your financial problem, write to and The AOL Money Fixer will get on the case.
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