Belfast man falls over his own trousers while running for bus (video)
Everyone hates having to run for the bus, no matter what time of day it is or where you're going.
But one man from Belfast had a particularly embarrassing experience when he was caught on camera dashing towards the stop, Belfast Live reports.
While racing down the street trying to flag the bus down, his low-slung trousers managed to work their way down his legs, tripping him up and leaving him red faced and probably a little bruised!
The hilarious footage appears to have been captured by a passenger on the bus the young man was trying to hail.
The poor man's dramatic tumble was greeted with raucous laughter from the other passengers who also appear to have been following his progress as he made his way down the street.
He appears to throw his arms up in dismay at having been unable to get the driver's attention in time as the bus glides past without stopping.
Once he'd picked himself up and dusted himself down we imagine he probably tied his trousers a little tighter!
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