Owner saves dog from being crushed and eaten by python (video)
A man has saved his pet dog from being crushed to death and eaten by a python in India.
It didn't look good for the dog as it was lying motionless with the snake's huge body wrapped around it in Karnataka, India, reports the Mirror.
But then the dog's owner started hitting it with a leafy branch, which the snake obviously did not take kindly to.
To everyone's relief, the snake begins to unwind its body from around the dog, and slither off into the bushes as the canine breaks free.
According to the Daily Mail, local media reported the dog suffered no lasting effects from the attack.
Back in March, a pet dog in Australia was not so lucky.
The little Chihuahua was tied up in his owner's garden when he was eaten by a python in New South Wales.
When the owner went outside to untie his dog one morning, she found a huge carpeted python with a bulge in its body and the dog's chain coming out of its mouth.
Sue Ulyatt at the Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service (WIRES) told the Sydney Morning Herald: "It's only the second incident like this we've had in over 10 years. Usually it's the other way around, the snake comes off second best.
"Chaining up a dog in a wildlife area is certainly a responsible thing to do, but the dog was too small. It should have been inside."
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