Wife kills husband after running over him at crash scene

crashed car
crashed car

A woman accidentally killed her husband after rushing to his aid when he was involved in a car crash.

The Frenchman survived the crash in Carville, northern France, when his car overturned but was then hit by his wife's car, The Local reports.

He had been driving with his daughter near the town when he lost control of his car at a sharp curve in the road.

The 54-year-old and his 16-year-old daughter managed to crawl out of the car after it flipped over several times.

He then called his wife to collect them but as she approached the curve in the road, his wife also lost control and rolled into him.

Their daughter and the woman survived the crash.

According to the Daily Mail, both were taken to hospital to be treated for minor injuries.

In May, a bride was killed and her groom seriously injured in a tragic car accident on the way to their wedding in Alabama, US.

Brittany Huber, 25, and her fiancé, John Redman, were driving to their home town to get married when Redman lost control of his Lexus.

New York Daily News reports that Huber was killed instantly, while Redman suffered serious injuries.

The couple were driving on Interstate 85 in Georgia when their car slammed into a concrete wall during a rainstorm.

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