Why we shouldn't talk about the pensions shortfall

AUS0094.JPGAUSAustralia and New ZealandAustralia & New ZealandcountrydayflockgrazingherdhorizontallandmarksNew Zeala
AUS0094.JPGAUSAustralia and New ZealandAustralia & New ZealandcountrydayflockgrazingherdhorizontallandmarksNew Zeala

We're used to hearing bad news about the sheer scale of the pensions crisis. Recently the headlines told us that 300,000 people aged between 60 and 65 have no retirement savings at all - and face a £16,000 income gap between the retirement they can afford and the retirement they want. However, while pension companies may think that issuing research like this should push us into thinking harder about pensions, and making better provisions, there's another potential impact, which could actually make people less likely to be save.

Pension companies may be underestimating the sheer power of the herd mentality.%VIRTUAL-SkimlinksPromo%
