Chinese tycoon offers to buy House of Fraser for £450m

File photo dated 2/1/2014 of the House of Fraser store on Oxford Street in Central London. The department store chain was today being linked to a ?450 million takeover by a conglomerate little known outside China. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Sunday March 30, 2014. Nanjing-based Sanpower, which has more than 100 businesses in mainland China including shopping centres, is in advanced talks over a surprise swoop for the UK high street chain, the Sunday Times said. See PA story CITY Fraser. Photo credit should read: Steve Parsons/PA Wire

%VIRTUAL-SkimlinksPromo%Department store chain House of Fraser was today being linked to a £450 million takeover by a conglomerate little known outside China.

Nanjing-based Sanpower, which has more than 100 businesses in mainland China including shopping centres, is in advanced talks over a surprise swoop for the UK high street chain, the Sunday Times said.
