Co-op fights for new bank customers

File photo dated 07/08/13 of a Co-operative Bank branch sign as the bank has launched a new fight to win back customers and re-build its ethical reputation with a ?125 current account switching offer which includes a donation to charity. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday February 4, 2014. Customers who switch their current account to the Co-op will get ?100 and they will also be able to donate a further ?25 to one of seven charities, including Action Aid, Oxfam, Water Aid and Amnesty International. See PA story MONEY Coop. Photo credit should read: John Stillwell/PA Wire

%VIRTUAL-SkimlinksPromo%The Co-operative Bank has launched a new fight to win back customers and re-build its ethical reputation with a £125 current account switching offer which includes a donation to charity.

Customers who switch their current account to the Co-op will get £100 and they will also be able to donate a further £25 to one of seven charities, including Action Aid, Oxfam, Water Aid and Amnesty International.
